
The sex-reversed X/X Sxr mouse is phenotypically male but lacks germ cells. This provides the opportunity to examine Leydig cell function in the absence of a normal germinal epithelium and without experimental manipulation of the testis. Serum testosterone was lower in Sxr males compared to normal (X/Y) males but there was no significant difference in intratesticular testosterone levels. Serum immunoactive and bioactive luteinizing hormone levels were not significantly different between the two groups. Injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) increased intratesticular testosterone in Sxr males more than in normal males although there was no difference in serum testosterone levels. These differences in circulating and intratesticular testosterone levels may be related to reduced blood flow through the Sxr testis. Both basal and hCG-stimulated androgen production by whole testes in vitro were not significantly different between normal and Sxr males. Androgen production per Leydig cell, however, was significantly reduced in cells from Sxr males; this difference was apparent under basal conditions and following stimulation with hCG, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, 22R-hydroxycholesterol or pregnenolone. Results show that in the absence of a normal germinal epithelium there is a decrease in the steroidogenic capacity of the Leydig cells although steroidogenesis by the whole testis is not impaired significantly.

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