
The aim of this study to assess the biometric parameters of abattoir derived testicles of Murrah buffalo bull. Thirty-six pair of Murrah buffalo bull testicles were collected immediately after slaughter from different abattoir, packed in ice chest (4oC) and transferred to DFS Laboratory, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Ayodhya, UP, India. The tests were processed within six hours of collection. Various biometric parameters testes (testicular length, circumference, diameter, volume, and weight) epididymis (weight, length and width of caput and corpus as well as length and circumference of cauda) was measured. The epididymal semen was harvested and measured; Volume (0.43±0.02 to 0.52±0.05 ml), concentration (1708±105.2 to 1958±126.8 million/ml) and total sperm output (804.2±30.73 to 931.7±103.2 million) was estimated. All biometric parameters were significantly higher in left testicles than those of right contemporaries. Present findings suggest that aforementioned biometric parameters can be used to judge the normality of testis, furthermore, epididymal semen can be harvested from meritorious Murrah buffalo bulls with sudden or unexpected death.

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