
The closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test (CKCUEST) as originally described may not be appropriate for assessing athletes interchangeably considering body size variations. A modified test position may be warranted to normalize the CKCUEST to body size, in order to reflect an accurate representation of upper limb function. To determine test-retest reliability of the CKCUEST in a modified test position in Division I collegiate basketball players. Test-retest reliability. 15 subjects (8 male, 7 female) were recruited from Division I basketball teams. Subjects began in a push-up position with their hands located directly under their shoulders. Subjects performed one 15 second trial of the modified CKCUEST initially and a second trial one week later. Hand-written data was transferred to a spreadsheet for analysis using Minitab Statistical Software for comparison. Test-retest reliability was 0.88 for men's basketball, 0.79 for women's basketball, and 0.90 when both teams were combined. Test mean for men's basketball were 29.5 ± 4.78, and retest mean were 31.88 ± 4.99. Test mean for women's basketball were 24.86 ± 5.52, and retest mean were 26.71 ± 5.41. Test mean for both teams combined were 27.33 ± 5.5, and retest mean were 29.47 ± 5.67. The CKCUEST in a modified test position is a reliable assessment tool. Results support previous findings and may contribute to injury prevention and return to sport decision-making. 3b.

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