
The objective of this paper is to proceed to the analysis and then to obtain a new classification and spatialization of the tourist potential of a specific territory, for the purpose of a tourism development of its resources. Besides, such analysis sheds light on the assets and constraints of the territory itself by using geographical and technical documents, in respect such as national, regional and local tourism development plans. More to the point, results show that the territory of the province of Setif is of specific aptitudes for a consequent attractiveness and a complementarity of interesting natural and cultural resources, as well. Nevertheless, the study reveals numerous limitations such as the inadequate classification of the tourist potential, which is confirmed by the vague and generalised vision of the State throughout the region. In virtue of which, based on the obtained results, a new taxonomy of the tourism potential has been proposed for the purpose of helping the operators and actors involved in a participatory approach for a wider tourism development of the province of Setif.

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