
Abstract Test case prioritization is the process of ordering the test cases to be conducted eventually. Prioritizing test cases aids to meet two important constraints namely time and budget in software testing in order to enhance the fault detection rate as early as possible. This results us finding the problem earlier due to improved fault detection rate at early stage and deliver the system at short period of time .Interactions and relationships between a systems or sub system of an user is called as dependency. Few techniques that have been used in the past are namely Random order, greedy technique as well as fine grained and coarse grained. But all these techniques have considered the test cases in a test suite as an independent way. Few techniques have been derived dependency structures among test cases manually. Hence, this paper focuses to provide a set of algorithms to derive dependency structures among functions in a system and find exact number of dependents of each function in a system to prioritize the test cases in automated manner. High priority is assigned to test cases that are more dependent in using graph coverage values. By executing high priority (more complex) test cases earlier, the rate of fault detection will be improved at earlier stage and help to fix the fault earlier. For this experimentation purposes, Siemens test suite has been taken to establish the truth of verifying the given proposed technique.

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