
We have tested a calorimeter test beam module intended to simulate the endcap electromagnetic calorimeter of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration (SDC) experiment at the SSC. The test module is manufactured from scintillating tiles and is read out via 1 mm diameter wavelength shifting fibers with shower sampling at ∼ 1 radiation length intervals. The results of test beam calibration show that the calorimeter is linear to within 1% and has a resolution of (19.5 ± 0.1)%/√ E⊕(0.47%±0.05)% for energies up to 200 GeV. Test beam data show that non-uniform, longitudinal radiation damage to the calorimeter (up to ∼ 50% light loss at shower maximum) can be corrected, and the original linearity of the calorimeter can be recovered with only a small degradation of resolution. A “pre-shower detector” improves the charged π rejection by a factor of 2–3 at an electron detection efficiency greater than 97.5 ± 0.3%.

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