
A detailed seismic sequence stratigraphy study based on a dense network of seismic profiles is integrated with structural observations from interpreted geological sections to derive a tectonic and sedimentological model for the Miocene–Pliocene evolution of the South Carpathians foredeep (Getic Depression). Following Paleogene and older orogenic phases, the first tectonic event which affected the studied area was characterised by Early Miocene large scale extension to transtension which is responsible for the opening of the Getic Depression as a dextral pull-apart basin. Further Middle Miocene contraction caused WNW–ESE oriented thrusts and associated piggy-back basins. The last tectonic episode recognised in the studied area relates to general transpressive deformations during the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene interval, a first NW–SE oriented dextral episode is followed by second N–S sinistral deformations. The detailed sequence stratigraphy study allows for the definition of the dominant tectonic control of the sedimentary sequences in foreland basins. A eustatic control may be associated, but has a clear subordinated character.

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