
The year of 2017 marks the beginning of a series of attacks which are considered to be terrorism in Mozambique. It started as a group of militants of unknown identity attacked 3 Mozambican police stations. The attacks carried out by this group resulted in the death of more than 4000 citizens as well as the displacement of more than half a million citizens. This research is important insofar as it seeks to determine the factors that prevented the Mozambican Government from efficiently resolving this problem that led to the suspension of gas exploration projects in the country, a fact that negatively affects its future. Lack of understanding of the problem, lack of experience and equipment to deal with the militants, as well as the focus on military operations, only prevented the Mozambican Government from finding an efficient solution to the situation in Cabo Delgado. In order to carry out the research, speech analysis, documentary and bibliographic techniques are used, since during the research, official documents were used in order to assist the investigation. Moreover, secondary sources, the analysis of works carried out by other researchers, allowed a better understanding of the problem and broadened the scope of the answer to the research problem.

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