
Today, the issue of terror, which has gained an international dimension, has begun to occupy the world agenda more and more every day. The fact that countries can not produce an integrated struggle strategy against terrorism increases terrorism more. Strategies need to be developed in the context of fighting against terrorism on today's conditions. It is not possible for terrorism to be seen only as a narrow view and to achieve successes without making any distinction between the concepts of terror and terrorism. Countries,usually looking from a security perspective against the terror, often have difficulty in producing a comprehensive strategy. Terrorism, social dynamisms that feeds it, should also be examined in economic, cultural and political areas and strategies should be produced in this context. Otherwise, the applied security strategies do not serve a purpose other than to enable propaganda for the terrorist organizations. The members of terrorism should be examined for their psychological behaviors, attitudes, purposes and for what reasons they participate. Although Turkey succeeds in the military field against the terror organizations, it cannot support this success with diplomacy. The success achieved in the tactical field against terrorism is not reinforced in the context of social, cultural, economic and cultural values. For this reason, the struggle against terror has spread over many years and today it disturbs the atmosphere of security and peace more. Terror, which has cost thousands of innocent people's lives for years, also indirectly affects the living conditions of Eastern regions. The absence of an atmosphere of trust and stability damages the economy of the region, and unemployment remains at high levels. Thus, the people of the region who have difficulty in finding a job have to migrate to the western provinces. It is a treacherous act to engage in ways of negotiating with terror members. However, when the conclusion of the negotiation process by softening the security-oriented policies of the UK against the IRA is examined, we see that negotiations with the members of the organization sometimes lead to the conclusion when necessary. In fact, when these negotiations are done correctly, terror can be hog-tied. Without negotiations,it cannot come to a conclusion and terror continues to cost innocent people's lives. The efforts of disciplined, iron-willed, professional negotiators shorten the path to the solution process. Whether these negotiations are secret or open/implicit or explicit, it should ultimately be for the benefit of the country. How accurate are the fighting methods against terrorism and what are the consequences of the strategic mistakes made? In this thesis, these issues are mentioned and concepts related to terror and terrorism are explained. The strategies of the terrorist organizations and the methods they used in the attacks were searched and summarized. Conventional Security Theories and New Security Theories are explained and the results of these theories are examined. PKK and IRA were compared and security-oriented policies that Turkish and the British governments implement against terrorism were examined and compared. The results of security-oriented strategies against terrorism have been addressed and the process, after the fight against terrorism has also been supported by social, cultural and economic policies, was emphasized.

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