
Territorial aggression, displayed by male vertebrates in a reproductive context, is generally thought to be mediated by testosterone. The challenge hypothesis predicts that in socially monogamous species, territorial challenges should induce an increase in plasma testosterone concentrations, which will enhance aggressive behaviour and territory defence. This hypothesis is based on northern latitude birds and needs to be tested in tropical birds before it can be universally accepted. We tested the challenge hypothesis in an equatorial population of rufous-collared sparrows in Papallacta, Ecuador. This population shows an extended breeding period during which males aggressively guard territories. During the early breeding season, males were challenged with conspecific or heterospecific simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) lasting 10 min. Conspecific-challenged males responded more aggressively than heterospecific-challenged males. However, there was no increase in plasma testosterone in response to the conspecific STI. During the breeding season, males were challenged with conspecific STIs lasting 0, 10 or 30 min. Males behaved aggressively regardless of STI duration, and did not differ in plasma testosterone or luteinizing hormone concentrations. During the breeding season, males were implanted with testosterone-filled or empty silastic tubes and subsequently challenged with a conspecific STI. Testosterone implants significantly raised plasma testosterone concentrations, but testosterone-implanted males were not more aggressive than blank-implanted controls. Combined, these findings suggest that testosterone concentrations above breeding baseline are not related to territorial aggression in this population and therefore do not support the challenge hypothesis.

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