
The paper is devoted to the study of problems related to the definition of the legal regime of land and land plots in Russia by establishing the types of permitted use in accordance with the territorial zoning. The issues raised in the paper are especially relevant in connection with the alleged exclusion from the Land Code of the Russian Federation of the principle of dividing land and land plots into categories according to their intended purpose. As a result, the main problems of establishing the legal regime are identified, such as the lack of legislatively fixed terminology in the field of establishing the legal regime and permitted use, the impossibility of establishing the types of permitted use for certain categories of land, and the underdevelopment of the institution of zoning territories. In this regard, there are problems in establishing the legal regime of land, since several types of zoning can be distributed to one territory, between which there is no relationship and subordination. The author concludes that the institutions of territorial zoning and permitted use require detailed revision. The paper suggests some ways to solve the identified problems. The necessity of legislative consolidation of the terminology associated with the establishment of the legal regime of land and the development of territorial zoning is emphasized.

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