
The purpose of the work is to study the problems of territorial and economic development within the confines of regulated activation of urbanization processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To achieve it, authors analysed the statistical data on such indicators as population density, administrative-territorial division, according to which significant disproportions of territorial and economic development and settlement in the republic, the development of the regions of Kazakhstan were revealed. The authors studied the main provisions of regional policy, considered the main directions of state management of the formation of centers of urbanization with the decisive role of cities with a population of millions people in the optimization of regional economic systems. Research on this topic allowed the authors to conclude that the process of urbanization in Kazakhstan has a dynamic character and has not yet exhausted its potential, which gives reason to conclude that it is necessary to form new centers of urbanization and agglomerations. The article examines the main trends of the urbanization process at the present stage, namely, in economically developed countries, where urbanization has reached a sufficiently high level, the share of the urban population is growing at a slower pace, whereas in developing countries the urbanization process continues to grow in breadth and has a spontaneous, uncontrollable character. At the same time, the growth of population in cities far outstrips their economic development. Materials and research methods. When studying the territorial and economic features of urbanization in Kazakhstan, a complex of the following research methods were used: monographic, program-targeted, statistical analysis. In this work also used such theoretical research methods as comparisons and generalizations, scientific abstraction and synthesis.


  • The growth of urban population has become a distinct feature inherent to historical development of the civilization

  • The implementation of the state policy in the field of comprehensive development of regions is based on the adopted Main provisions of the General scheme of territory arrangement in the Republic of Kazakhstan updated considering the Strategy “Kazakhstan–2050”: new political course of the established State, and corrections of the national and governmental programs, strategic plans of the national authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan that represent a brief summary of the main project proposals and decisions on arrangement of the Republic of Kazakhstan territory for the intermediate, estimated, and predicted terms of projecting under the updated General scheme of the territory arrangement in the Republic of Kazakhstan [1]

  • The analysis of the territorial and economic features of Kazakhstan urbanization allows concluding that the main problem is the disproportion in social and economic development of regions

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The growth of urban population has become a distinct feature inherent to historical development of the civilization. The urbanization in the contemporary time is a full-scale process changing the role of cities in individual countries, but in the universal space in whole. This process, to a significant extent, was favored by the independence got by countries at all continents including the post-Soviet territory. The incremental rate of urban population growth is reasonably stipulated by the implementation of large investment projects in cities, concentration of science-based enterprises, developed engineer, transport, informational communications, better quality of medical, educational, social services, higher level of income and other. The paper considers contemporary tendencies of urbanization, describes its features in Kazakhstan basing on statistical data, shows the main tendencies of the state management of the urbanization centers forming in the Republic

Materials and investigation methods
Қазақстандағы урбандалудың аумақтық және экономикалық аспектілері
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