
Terpenoids are compounds that only contain carbon and hydrogen, or carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that are aromatic, some terpenoids contain carbon atoms whose number is a multiple of five called isoprene units. There are many terpenoids in tomatoes, one of which is a tretrapenoid. A type of tetrapenoid, the carotenoids. Lycopene is a terpenoid found in tomatoes. Lycopene is the most carotenoid group in tomatoes. Lycopene plays a very important role in maintaining human health, including its role in the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and others. The lycopene content in tomatoes depends on genetic factors, in this case the tomato variety, the environment where the tomatoes grow and the fruit storage environment, and the age of the tomatoes. The genetic factor of tomato fruit that greatly affects lycopene content in tomatoes is the color of the fruit. Color is generally an accurate indicator of lycopene content, with yellow cultivars containing less lycopene than red cultivars, and two out of three red cultivars contain more than orange cultivars. Shade tomato plants can increase the lycopene content in tomatoes. Aside from the lack of light in the tomato plant environment, the humidity and air temperature around the tomato plants also greatly affect the lycopene content in the fruit.


  • Hydrocarbons are commonly known as terpenes and oxygen-containing compounds called terpenoids are the most important constituents of essential oils

  • We present the lycopene content, of the products we studied

  • Color is generally an accurate indicator of lycopene content, with yellow cultivars containing less lycopene than red cultivars, and two out of three red cultivars containing more than orange cultivars

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Terpene is a group of hydrocarbons that are produced by many plants and animals. In plants, terpenes are contained in the sap and vacuoles of cells. The terpenoid plant serves as a volume high feedstock for producing industrial materials Due to their many different structures, plant terpenoids a group as compounds with many different physical and chemical properties. The chemical diversity of terpenoids comes from the biosynthetic pathway of complex terpenoids [8] In classical biochemistry, it plays an important role in determining features of cellular regulation (eg, possible feedback loops involving allosterism or covalent modification) and in measuring intermediate fluxes and concentrations to provide important metabolic context. Literature in broad terms, conceptually and empirically, has an essential ecological function in plant biology Due to their diverse biological activities and their various physical and chemical properties, terpenoid plant chemicals have been exploited by humans as traditional biomaterials in complex compounds or in more or less pure compound form since ancient times [8]

Lycopene one of the carotenoids
The role of lycopene in life
Effect of genetic factors on lycopene content in tomatoes
Effect of environmental factors on lycopene content in tomatoes
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