
The main advantages of the Ternoshory tract as a promising object of a tourist destination are revealed. Own development of a ring tourist route is offered. Introduction. Tourism is one of the most promising sectors of the economy of Kosiv district. Many natural monuments are compactly located in a small area of the district, which is combined with historical, cultural and architectural monuments, are an excellent base for most types of tourism. One of such objects is the Ternoshory tract. It is a forest reserve of local significance, famous for its bizarre stones. Unfortunately, this tourist attraction is not as popular as the Pysanyi kamin or the Sokil`s`kyi khrebet. Presenting main material. Ternoshorsk rock sanctuary is located on the territory of the forest reserve. It is the object of attraction for tourists. The whole Ternoshorsk rock complex has the shape of a quadrangle. Conventionally, all the accumulation of rocks can be divided into three levels. These rocks has great historical significance. Particular attention should be paid to the Ternoshorsky idol or goddess Lada. The stone image of the goddess Lada is 10.4 m high. Perhaps it is the largest among the known and well-preserved statues of the Woman, a reduced copy (1: 100) which is known from Trypillia. There are also other artifacts that are inherent in the sanctuaries (an eight-meter circleis, a stone in the form of a foot, a cave, a tunnel, zoomo phic stones in the form of a lizard's head, a bull, a dog, aneagle, etc). Studies conducted at the Ternoshorsky sanctuary, confirm the calendar and astronomical purpose of the monument) Also here are found several "lines of Power", where are so-called "cupbearers", which were used by pagan priests to offer sun deities. Given the high attractiveness unfortunately, the tract is not popular among tourists, as the object needs more promotion. That is why we have developed a pedestrian circular route. The length of the circular route is 12 km, the duration of the transition is 5 hours. This route is suitable for different age categories, does not involve great difficulties, does not require special training and equipment. The development of tourism is of great importance for the settlements of Yavorov and Snidavka. Many locals have moved to live in the plains of the village, where the best prospects. Older people, very few young people, low birth rate and high unemployment remained here. The development of tourism could stop such a sad trend, increase material well-being and partially solve the problems of rural employment and give impetus to the revival of the village. Conclusions. Ternoshory tract belongs to the objects of the nature reserve fund of the district. Due to its uniqueness and mystique, the rocky cliffs of the tract will be able to attract a large number of tourists, but the object needs more promotion. Therefore, we believe that the developed one-day circular walking route, due to different categories of travelers, because it does not require special training and equipment, will promote this object and open it for those who want to learn more about the Kosiv region.

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