
The subject of the article is some judicial acts on cases concerning protection of private property issued in Russia in recent years in the context of changes in the procedural legislation and legislation on the judicial system. The purpose of this article is to discover whether the current Russian judicial decisions may serve as input data for a machine learning algorithm in future. The main results, scope of application. The article presents an analysis of the changes in the Russian procedural law and in the regulation of the national judicial system in the recent years, which form new trends in judicial practice, according to the latest cases for the protection of private property in the courts. The author makes an analysis of the effectiveness of justice in providing recourse to private property violations in Russia. It is discovered whether the judicial protection has been substantially improved, following the promises of the Russian government. The article argues that these trends in judicial practice will negatively affect the automation of justice in the context of the nationwide digitalization of justice Such digitalization requires setting guidelines for the automated judicial decisions followed by the automated delivery of judicial documents. The methodology combines legal interpretation of judicial acts and Russian legislation comparative research, foresight and critical approach based on structured analysis, induction and deduction. Conclusions. There is a systemic deficiency in protecting private property in Russia, since neither the rules of civil and administrative proceedings, nor the constitutional control tools provide adequate protection on the matter. The recent relocation of the Constitutional Court of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg did not promote the judicial independence of the Court. On the contrary, the Constitutional Court, through formal excuses refrains from processing complaints on violation of private property rights and on the inefficiency of judicial procedures. The recent merger of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia and the Supreme Court of Russia has contributed to the uniformity of judicial practice. It violated the rights the owners of the shared premises in apartment buildings, but favored the beneficiaries of the management companies, which breach the owners’ rights. Judicial acts studied in this article prove their ineffectiveness in contributing to the quality machine learning for artificial intelligence required for the transition to automatic generation of blueprints and templates of court decisions. Analysis of judicial acts allows to conclude that they cannot serve now as a basis for machine learning of artificial intelligence. They cannot be systematized in databases even by the criterion of the law norms applied by the plaintiffs, since the courts evade the procedural obligation to explain why they reject the law norms that serve as the basis for a lawsuit or complaint, and apply completely different ones. These circumstances require the immediate response from the state authorities, including finding efficient ways to provide sustainable development of justice, i.e. ensuring the Rule of Law and access to courts, since otherwise the digitization of justice will lead to the automation of arbitrariness.


  • На примере судебных дел о защите частной собственности анализируются результаты преобразований в процессуальном законодательстве и законодательстве о судебной системе последних лет, которые формируют тренды судебной практики

  • The purpose of this article is to discover whether the current Russian judicial decisions may serve as input data for a machine learning algorithm in future

  • The article presents an analysis of the changes in the Russian procedural law and in the regulation of the national judicial system in the recent years, which form new trends in judicial practice, according to the latest cases for the protection of private property in the courts

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УСЛОВИЯ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ СУДЕБНЫХ АКТОВ ДЛЯ МАШИННОГО ОБУЧЕНИЯ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ОТДЕЛЬНЫХ РЕШЕНИЙ О ЗАЩИТЕ ПРАВА СОБСТВЕННОСТИ). Заявители А обратились в Верховный Суд России с административным иском к Правительству РФ о признании незаконными Приказа Министерства строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства от 26 января 2018 года No 43/пр, применение которого на практике приводит к тому, что в платежном документе за коммунальные услуги сначала в разделе «Сведения о плательщике» указывают площадь помещения собственника, а затем рассчитывают к этой площади плату за содержание и ремонт общего имущества, а также письма названного Министерства от 30 декабря 2016 г. Они обратились с жалобой в Конституционный Суд, указав, что статья 154 Жилищного кодекса РФ, которая закрепляет структуру платы за коммунальные услуги как для собственников помещений, так и для их нанимателей, использует формулировку «плата за жилое помещение», что на практике приводит тому, что собственникам помещений в многоквартирном доме вменяют плату за содержание и текущий ремонт их доли в праве на общее имущество многоквартирного дома в размере жилой площади принадлежащего им на праве собственности жилого помещения. В связи с чем, страна не обладает преимуществами как в конкурентной борьбе юрисдикций, так и в использовании искусственного интеллекта в области правосудия, что представляет собой серьезный вызов

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