
In light of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council No. (74) for the year 2000 and its influence on the economic and commercial side, this study attempts to illustrate the viability of founding the Iraqi Commercial Court. It is the whole seed. The goal is to make commercial conflicts more swiftly and efficiently resolved through establishing an expert commercial judiciary. Specialized judges with high expertise and knowledge help ensure that court judgments are successful in both processes and causes. In light of the statement published by the Supreme Judicial Council No. (74) for the year 2020, the research focuses on the efficacy of the Iraqi commercial Court in addressing commercial disputes. This article reveals that the Iraqi legislative attempts to attract international investment and the Iraqi executive branch's continued efforts to resolve investor concerns by modifying the Investment Law. The Iraqi court has successfully developed a stable legal environment for multinational firms. Commercial courts, acknowledged as fair by international businesses, were established to accomplish this. As a result of Iraq's communist past, foreign investment was viewed as a source of skepticism and mistrust for many years. These courts will undoubtedly play a significant role in advancing Iraq's progress. However, courts alone will not provide the long-term guarantees needed to transform Iraq's legal framework for domestic and foreign businesses to operate inside. Civil law countries like Iraq necessitate significant reforms to the country's intellectual property, investment, and arbitration regimes.

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