
Onychomycosis of the nails includes fungal infection caused by primary nail pathogens that invade the healthy nail plate and secondary invasion in nails with preexisting disease.<sup>1</sup>Onychomycosis may be due to secondary infection from tinea pedis and is the most common nail disease, accounting for roughly 30% of all cutaneous fungal infections.<sup>2</sup>In a survey of 9332 British adults, 16 years of age and older, the prevalence of dermatophyte infection was 2.6% to 2.8%.<sup>3</sup>In subjects 55 years of age or older, the prevalence was 4.7%. In the United States, a similar prevalence has been reported.<sup>4</sup>Onychomycosis can have a significant psychological effect on the subject.<sup>5</sup>In a North American study, the relative composition of isolates from nails was dermatophytes (91%), yeasts (5%), and molds (4%).<sup>6</sup>Candida is isolated predominantly from fingernails.<sup>7</sup>Uncommonly, there are mixed infections. In other parts of the world,

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