
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a plastic additive with endocrine disruptive activity, classified in 2017 by EU ECHA as substance of very high concern. A correlation between environmental exposure to BPA and congenital defects has been described in humans and in experimental species, including the amphibian Xenopus laevis. Among BPA analogues, bisphenol B (BPB) is used as alternative in different not-EU countries, including US, but seems to share with BPA its endocrine disruptor properties. Aim of the present work is the evaluation of the effects of BPB versus BPA exposure in a X. laevis developmental model. A windowed exposure (R-FETAX method) was applied covering the developmental phylotypic period (teratogenicity window), or the late tailbud stages (neuro-behavioural toxicity window, corresponding to the spontaneous swimming acquisition period). Samples were monitored for lethal effects during the full test period. External morphology evaluation and deglutition functional test were applied in any group. Abnormal tadpoles were also processed for cartilage staining. In groups exposed during neuro-behavioural toxicity window the swimming test was also applied. Lethality and malformations were obtained only in samples exposed during the teratogenicity window; these data were modelled using PROAST software and BPB relative potency resulted about 3 times higher than BPA. The day-by-day evaluation revealed that lethality was correlated to embryonic abnormal development of gills and apoptosis in gill primordia. Teratogenicity was never detected in groups exposed during the neuro-behavioural toxicity window, where some significant neuro-behavioural deficits were detected in tadpoles exposed to the highest tested concentrations of BPA and BPB.

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