
IntroductionThe studies of motivation has been a constant inside the sport settings, and following this way of cognitive social environment, has shown interest of many researchers across the achievement of motivation (Duda, 1992; Newton & Duda, 1993; Duda & Whithead, 1998; Hirota et al., 2006; Lopez-Walle et al., 2011; Klain et al., 2014; Anjos et al., 2015; Albuquerque et al, 2015).Motivation refers to those personality factors, social variables, and/ or cognitions that come into play when a person undertakes at which he or she evaluates enters into competition with others or attempts to attain some standard of excellence (Roberts, 1992). Murray (1983) asserts that one motive is an internal factor that initiates, directs and integrates a person's behavior. Theories of motivation establish a differentiation between biological reasons, which were organized in bodily needs and the needs of social reasons, which are organized in social experiences, such as the need for achievement (Weiten, 2006). Achievement motivation to perform as successful needs to do better than others in activities and complete challenging tasks; the desire to overcome, especially when competing with others (Huffman et al., 2003).Therefore, studies directed towards discussing the need of achievement and goals orientation has demonstrated efficacy in concerce determining athlete's behavior in their motivational orientations (Duda, 1992, 1993). There is a link between motivational orientation of an individual at any particular environment and the potential socialization inherent values in this environment. Therefore, when we say that an individual has guidance to ego some features are highlighted as individualism and tasks with less difficulty and that individualoriented task has some features like a self-reference in relation to skills, team spirit and cooperation (Duda, 1992).According to cognitive theory of motivation the behavior is directed by the possibility of anticipation, namely anticipate the purposes to be achieved, enhancing the internal aspects. This way the human can decide what you want or not do, according to your needs and/ or satisfaction. In this perspective two dimensions of student goal and beliefs emerge in studies: task and ego orientation (Nicholls, 1989). The direction of task orientation is associated with fostering the development of a perceived ability (Duda, 1992), and ego orientation are the ones whose propose in school is the egotistical, one of the establishing their superiority over others and who also tend to believe that, to do well in school, one most have more ability than others and attempt to beat then (Nicholls, 1992). Therefore the hypothesis of this research was to evaluate the goals orientation of Brazilians soccer players, and in this perspective and follow the need of new instruments to evaluate Brazilian's athletes this research aims to test the instrument Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ, Duda, 1992), performing the translation, adaptation, reliability and exploratory factor analysis of the TEOSQ in youth Brazilian's soccer players.MethodMode of researchThis study was based on a descriptive quantitative boarding. This type of research follows a formal process, objective, rigorous and systematic to generate information about the world, and should be conducted to describe new situations, events, or concepts, examine relationships between concepts and ideas and determine the effectiveness of treatments (Burns & Grove, 2003). Thus quantitative studies work with the concept of reliability (reliability and reproducibility) and strength of the method, namely the possibility of achieving the same result in a study re-test made under the same conditions by other researchers (Pope & Mays, 1995).InstrumentsInstrument 01: In the collection of research, data was used a Likert-type motivation scale of five points - TEOSQ developed by Duda (1992), which identified the motivational orientation to the sport. …

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