
Abstract : The article describes an experiment in regional planning within the framework of the provincial planning measures introduced into Italy by the law on the reform of local authorities (L. 142/1990). The study area is the Alpine arc of the province of Turin, la « Cornice Montana », providing a rich diversity of valley landscapes thanks to a mix of environmental, historical, cultural and economic characteristics. The paper first reviews the policies relating to tourism and infrastructures which have been followed up until now and underlines their important environmental impact, particularly the economic effects. Over a long period of time, such effects have generally been negative or only marginally positive. The paper then raises a few central theoretical questions relating to development, and particularly the active role of local inhabitants in transforming the potential of their region into a resource by becoming actors in the design and management of the development process. The experiment underlines the shift in planning towards a more interactive approach based on greater consultation between government departments and the local population. From a technical point of view, pluridisciplinary analyses are required if the project is to meet the stated objectives of choosing, supporting and directing the intrinsic energy of the local area. From a procedural point of view, it is vital that the local communities are consulted and that there is coordination in the decision-making process between the different levels and sectors of government involved in environmental planning. In the study area, an infrastructure of diverse physical, historical and cultural characteristics is providing support for the development of various forms of tourism which draw on the specific character and potential of each region, and are integrated with local, ecologically- oriented production activitites.

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