
Theologies as dangerous human constructs: Burton Mack's evaluation of early Christian myths. After an introductory explication of the social approach to myths/theologies and a consideration of the ethical urgency for such a humanistic strategy, this article offers a systematic survey of Burton Mack's incisive criticism of early Christian mythology and its influence on Western (specifically American) civilization. His cynical reading, which claims to take its cue from deconstruction, is assessed under three headings (which are inevitably interrelated): (1) The evangelical meaning of Jesus' death: the victimization of Jews; (2) The apocalyptic myth as social nightmare: the collusion of innocence and power, and (3) From diverse origins to reduced end product and back: the decanonization of the Christian Bible as ethical necessity. As a programmatic sug-gestion of how Mack's contribution can be taken further, the essay concludes by juxtaposing Mack's myth criticism with that of a selection of scholars (Crossan, Voltaire) and Polish poets (Zagajewski, Szymborska), whose points of view may serve not only to corroborate, but especially, to critically refine Mack's perspective.


  • Theologies as dangerous human constructs: Burton Mack's evaluation of early Christian myths After an introductory explication of the social approach to myths/theologies and a consideration of the ethical urgency for such a humanistic strategy, this article offers a systematic survey of Burton Mack's incisive criticism of early Christian mythology and its influence on Western ( American) civilization

  • As a programmatic suggestion of how Mack's contribution can be taken further, the essay concludes by juxtaposing Mack's myth criticism with that of a selection of scholars (Crossan, Voltaire) and Polish poets (Zagajewski, Szymborska), whose points of view may serve to corroborate, but especially, to critically refine Mack's perspective

  • Handelinge se simplistiese voorstelling van die vroegste kerkgeskiedenis sou byvoorbeeld hierdie doel dien: Luke purposefully left out of account the many different varieties of Christian experimentation that were still accumulating during his time

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Die apokaliptiese fantasie in die vroee Joods-Christelike tradisie kan volgens Mack (1988:38) gedefinieer word as die patetiese respons van gemarginaliseerde groepe op situasies van sosiale konflik. In die tweede helfte van die evangelie word die onskuldige en magtige Jesus natuurlik gedood, maar dit word oorkom deur 'n uiteindelike oorwinning te projekteer wanneer die Seun van die Mens op wolke sal kom om sy suiwerheid en mag finaal te bevestig. 'n Veel beter alternatiewe mite vir ons tyd vind Mack in die einde van die Arthur-Iegende: Wanneer koning Arthur se pure Camelot - setel van sy mag - in 'n bloeddeurdrenkte slagveld verander, leer hy in sy sterwensuur omring deur lyke die waarheid wat ons almal behoort te leer: daar is geen messiasse nie, geen onskuldige partye nie. Dit is hierdie anti-messiaanse en anti-apokaliptiese handeling, meen Mack, wat ons behoort na te volg eerder as Markus se onskuldige en magtige Seun van die Mens. A future of the world can hardly be imagined any longer, if its redemption rests in the hands of Mark's innocent son of God

Johan Slrijdom
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