
This paper discusses the Ecumenical Protestant-Christian theology toward other religion which is strongly influenced by the context. Sidjabat has slightly concerned about the problem of religious pluralism since inter-religious relation in his time were still relatively respectable. Victor I. Tanja paid more attention to interfaith dialogue because the Indonesian Government has been promoting a lot of interfaith dialogue and activism. Tanja is an arm of the government, in contrast to Sumartana, a theologian associated with an upsetting period where several riots, such as conflict between Christian and Muslim, raised in Surabaya, Situbondo, Tasikmalaya, Ambon and Poso. He thinks it is needed to apply on what so-called theologia religionum, theology of religions.


  • Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Kawan Dalam Pertikaian: Kaum Kolonial Belanda dan Islam di Indonesia (1596-1942) Kareel Steenbrink menulis bahwa: “satu kelompok dalam masyarakat sering mempunyai prasangka terhadap kelompok lain

  • This paper discusses the Ecumenical Protestant-Christian theology toward other religion which is strongly influenced by the context

  • Sidjabat has slightly concerned about the problem of religious pluralism since inter-religious relation in his time were still relatively respectable

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Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Kawan Dalam Pertikaian: Kaum Kolonial Belanda dan Islam di Indonesia (1596-1942) Kareel Steenbrink menulis bahwa: “satu kelompok dalam masyarakat sering mempunyai prasangka terhadap kelompok lain. Tanja menyadari bahwa Indonesia merupakan Asia in Miniatur artinya bahwa semua agama besar yang ada dan berasal dari Asia seperti Kristen, Islam, Hindu dan Buddha mempunyai pemeluk di Indonesia.[25] Kemestian ini tidak bisa dipungkiri sehingga hidup rukun antarumat beragama dalam satu keluarga besar bangsa Indonesia merupakan sebuah keharusan.

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