
Owing to the significance of Arabic language as one of the sematic languages, and to the disagreement on whether Arabic language built on aspects or tenses, the researcher has conducted this study titled “Tense and Aspect Denotation of Verb in Arabic Language A linguistic critical Study on Selected Examples of the Noble Quran". Nevertheless, the study is aimed to answer the following question: How does the verb denote to tense and aspect in Arabic language? Accordingly, the study utilizes the descriptive method to look deeper into selected examples of the Noble Quran and analyze them semantically to achieve the following results: The verb refers to the tense and aspect, and there are two types of aspect, that is, verbal and semantic. Moreover, the connotations of tenses and aspects could reach up to thirty. Finally, this research is an attempt to prove the tenses and aspects of Arabic language. The research recommends the importance of such a topic, so it is advisable to study it within a modern linguistic theory that combines both, aspect and tense.

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