
Male crickets and their close relatives bush-crickets (Gryllidae and Tettigoniidae, respectively; Orthoptera and Ensifera) attract distant females by producing loud calling songs. In both families, sound is produced by stridulation, the rubbing together of their forewings, whereby the plectrum of one wing is rapidly passed over a serrated file on the opposite wing. The resulting oscillations are amplified by resonating wing regions. A striking difference between Gryllids and Tettigoniids lies in wing morphology and composition of song frequency: Crickets produce mostly low-frequency (2–8 kHz), pure tone signals with highly bilaterally symmetric wings, while bush-crickets use asymmetric wings for high-frequency (10–150 kHz) calls. The evolutionary reasons for this acoustic divergence are unknown. Here, we study the wings of actively stridulating male field-crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) and present vibro-acoustic data suggesting a biophysical restriction to low-frequency song. Using laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) and brain-injections of the neuroactivator eserine to elicit singing, we recorded the topography of wing vibrations during active sound production. In freely vibrating wings, each wing region resonated differently. When wings coupled during stridulation, these differences vanished and all wing regions resonated at an identical frequency, that of the narrow-band song (∼5 kHz). However, imperfections in wing-coupling caused phase shifts between both resonators, introducing destructive interference with increasing phase differences. The effect of destructive interference (amplitude reduction) was observed to be minimal at the typical low frequency calls of crickets, and by maintaining the vibration phase difference below 80°. We show that, with the imperfect coupling observed, cricket song production with two symmetric resonators becomes acoustically inefficient above ∼8 kHz. This evidence reveals a bio-mechanical constraint on the production of high-frequency song whilst using two coupled resonators and provides an explanation as to why crickets, unlike bush-crickets, have not evolved to exploit ultrasonic calling songs.


  • Male crickets (Ensifera, Gryllidae) produce loud musical songs to attract conspecific females by rubbing their raised forewings together, a process known as stridulation

  • Full wing scan recordings of unengaged wings show that the right wing (RW) f0 is significantly higher than the left wing (LW) (RW = 5.168 ± 0.434 kHz, SE 0.116; LW = 4.827 ± 0.396 kHz, SE 0.106; LMM: F1,152.60 = 15.93, p < 0.001)

  • When comparing vibration amplitudes at the average f0 of both wings, no difference between left and RWs was found. This was true for both average vibration amplitudes per wing and maximum vibration amplitudes of the harp areas alone (RWharp = 0.32 ± 0.24 μm/Pa; LWharp = 0.40 ± 0.35 μm/Pa; t = 0.988, df = 13, p = 0.34)

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Male crickets (Ensifera, Gryllidae) produce loud musical songs to attract conspecific females by rubbing their raised forewings together, a process known as stridulation. Sound-producing insects like crickets with wings about 0.5–1 cm in size are under strong selection to optimize power output in order to maximize signal range. Crickets approach this optimization problem by using both symmetric forewings together as sound radiators during stridulation to increase the sound radiating surface for low-frequency songs (Bennet-Clark, 1999, 2003; Montealegre-Z et al, 2011). The drivers for the evolution of this asymmetry are unknown but it has been hypothesised to be linked to ultrasonic sound production and signal purity (Montealegre-Z, 2005; Gu et al, 2012)

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