
Abstract The experiment was performed in two commercial orchards. Trees in Orchard #1 were in the second leaf, while those in Orchard #2 varied between second and fourth leaf. Both orchards were planted on sandy soil. Trees used in the experiment showed visible signs of stress (abnormally small leaves, reduced terminal growth, water stress) associated with grub damage to the root sytem. Each treatment was replicated ten times, with a replicate consisting of a single tree. All treatments were applied 10-11 Jun. A second application to the Diazinon plot was made 25 Jun. A strip of sheet metal ca. 15 cm wide was formed into a circle 39 cm in diameter and centered around the trunk of the tree. The bottom edge was worked into the soil to form a seal such that the drench solution could not escape. Two gallons of test insecticide mixtures were poured around the base of test tree, and allowed to soak into the soil before the metal strip was removed. Trees and the surrounding soil (39 cm diameter × 46 cm deep) were excavated 22-30 Jul about six weeks after the first application date. Live and dead grubs were recorded.

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