
Each of 480 extremities from 120 cadavers was dissected. Particular attention was given to potential donors for tendon grafts. Both the palmaris longus and the extensor digiti minimi had an average length of 16 cm and an average width of 3 mm. The extensor indicis tendon averaged 13 cm in length and 3 mm in width. The plantaris and second toe extensors averaged 35 cm in length and 2 to 2.5 mm in width. None of these measurements correlated well with age, sex, or hand or foot size. There was, however, a high correlation between right- and left-side measurements in each specimen, in spite of some degree of anatomic variation for all the tendons studied. The palmaris longus was missing in 25% of the upper extremities, and the plantaris in 19% of the lower extremities dissected.

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