
In article development of the agrarian sector of Sverdlovsk region is analyzed. The author has carried out the complex analysis of the current state of regional agriculture: positions of regions are reflected in production of agriculture of the Ural Federal District, positions of Sverdlovsk region on production in a section of the Ural Federal District are designated and also the structure of agricultural products of area in a section of producers following the results of 2017 is presented. It is established that, despite positive tendencies in development of agriculture of area, this branch both at the macrolevel, and at the level of the region develops in the conditions of investment crisis. On the basis of the analysis of the current economic environment the internal and external factors influencing positively or negatively development of agrobusiness in the region are revealed. The particular emphasis in article is placed on a burning issue of the restrictions connected with support of small-scale and average krestyanskofermersky enterprises, it is more difficult to them to achieve financing of the projects. It is established that public financing is focused on support, but not on forward development of branch that a part of projects from a profitability zone removes, blocking their start. It is shown that the main negative effects recorded in region agriculture as a result of reduction of subsidies and grants from the state were a consequence of such limited policy for landowners. Taking into account it the author has formulated the concrete directions and practical recommendations about elimination of the negative factors constraining attraction of investments into the agrarian sector of the region and the vectors of further development of branch capable to increase her economic growth are allocated.

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