
Objective: To analyze maternal mortality in the Maternidad “Concepción Palacios” Hospital between January 2014 and December 2020. Methods: A descriptive, analytical, and retrospective study of maternal deaths occurred in the 2013-2018 period was carried out. Results: There were 73 maternal deaths, and a ratio of 135.96 per 100,000 live births. Direct maternal deaths were 60, 82.19% of the population and 13 indirect maternal deaths, 17.80%. The causes of direct maternal death were hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 48.33%, sepsis 26.66%, and obstetric hemorrhage 23.33%, with a 1: 3 ratios of maternal deaths at extreme ages of reproductive life. Conclusions: The maternal death ratio in the Maternidad “Concepción Palacios” Hospital duplicates the goals of the sustainable development goals of the 2016-2030 agenda; there is an increase in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy as a direct cause of maternal mortality. Primiparity, the absence or lack of data from prenatal control, cesarean sections, and admission-death time of less than 24 hours prevailed. Recommendations: Advances are needed in sexual and reproductive health education, education and training of health personnel in extreme maternal morbidity, analysis by theoretical premises identifying the social determinants of maternal mortality and the health reality related to its management, implementing preventive public policies with specific care guidelines. Keywords: Maternal mortality, Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, Maternal sepsis, Obstetric hemorrhage.

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