
It is undisputed in early Buddhist texts that women as well as men are capable of becoming arahats (awakened beings). Both men and women can act morally, attain all the advanced meditative states, and follow the teachings that lead to nibbāna. Despite this soteriological inclusiveness, the presentation of women in Buddhist texts is often less than egalitarian, perhaps most especially in popular narrative literature. In Pāli jātaka stories, which are popular subjects for sermons, children’s books and temple illustrations throughout Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, the influence of both androcentric and misogynistic tendencies is evident. Women are portrayed as obstacles to men’s progress on the spiritual path, and few female characters are given any voice of their own. In addition, the stories are presented as relating the previous births of Gotama Buddha, who in every case is identified with a male character, leaving few role models for Buddhist women, and altering the soteriological backdrop.

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