
Seeds of jussara palm (Euterpe edulis Mart.) are recalcitrant, presenting low longevity, high sensitivity to dehydration and to low temperatures of storage. Temperature conditions for temporary preservation of those seeds, with and without pulp, were studied. Mature fruits were harvested from 24 plants belonging to the palm collection of the Instituto Agronômico (IAC) located at Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, and taken in moisture-proof containers to the Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, in Botucatu, São Paulo State. Half of the fruits were shelled and the seeds stored, with and without pulp, in sealed plastic bags (20 µm thick) maintained in chambers with temperatures of 5; 10; 15 and 20-30ºC. Samples for the quality tests were taken at 0; 3; 6; 9 and 12 days after fruit harvest. Seeds stored with pulp were immediately shelled before test installation. Several characteristics were evaluated, especially seed water content, germination rate, seedling length and dry matter. There is a positive after-ripening effect on Euterpe edulis seeds. A period of storage of 9 to 12 days, after fruit harvest and before sowing, favored germination and vigor of jussara seeds. These effects were higher in shelled seeds when compared to unshelled ones. Short-term storage temperatures ranging from 5 to 20-30ºC are equally adequate for the preservation of seeds without pulp, but should not exceed 20ºC for those with pulp, since a decrease in germination and vigor, and an increase in rotted germinative button and dead seeds were observed at 20-30ºC temperature.

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