
Progenitors in the dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence (dLGE) are known to give rise to olfactory bulb (OB) interneurons and intercalated cells (ITCs) of the amygdala. The dLGE enriched transcription factor Sp8 is required for the normal generation of ITCs as well as OB interneurons, particularly the calretinin (CR)-expressing subtype. In this study, we used a genetic gain-of-function approach in mice to examine the roles Sp8 plays in controlling the development of dLGE-derived neuronal subtypes. Misexpression of Sp8 throughout the ventral telencephalic subventricular zone (SVZ) from early embryonic stages, led to an increased generation of ITCs which was dependent on Tshz1 gene dosage. Additionally, Sp8 misexpression impaired rostral migration of OB interneurons with clusters of CR interneurons seen in the SVZ along with decreased differentiation of calbindin OB interneurons. Sp8 misexpression throughout the ventral telencephalon also reduced ventral LGE neuronal subtypes including striatal projection neurons. Delaying Sp8 misexpression until E14-15 rescued the striatal and amygdala phenotypes but only partially rescued OB interneuron reductions, consistent with an early window of striatal and amygdala neurogenesis and ongoing OB interneuron generation at this late stage. Our results demonstrate critical roles for the timing and neuronal cell-type specificity of Sp8 expression in mouse LGE neurogenesis.

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