
The purpose of the article is to establish the temporal features of terminographic activity in the field of Ukrainian physical and chemical special vocabulary. To achieve this goal it is necessary to perform the following tasks: to determine the temporality of terminographic works in physics and chemistry, to characterize the dynamics of terminographic processes from 1940-to 2010, to establish the types of terminographic works in physics and chemistry, to determine the intensity of their publication by different classification criteria. The methodology is to use general and special methods to study Ukrainian terminology in natural sciences. The use of analytical-synthetic, logical, comparative methods made it possible to establish the specific features of Ukrainian terminological works in the temporal context. With the help of the statistical method, the periodization of the development of modern natural terminology is substantiated, and the regularities of publishing activity by types of terminographic publications are revealed. The scientific novelty of the work is that the article establishes the systemic nature of Ukrainian terminological works in physics and chemistry, created during the 1990-2010 and designed to meet the information needs of specialists in the modern conceptual and terminological apparatus. Conclusions. The positive dynamics of the system of Ukrainian terminographic works allow performing gradation according to the method of describing the lexical meaning of the word, the breadth of terminological vocabulary, the structure of publications, and the primacy of publication. Lexicographic works of reference and encyclopedic types predominate over translation dictionaries, which contributes to the unification of the conceptual and terminological apparatus. Terminological vocabulary is a component of the global national ideal, which serves as a generator of ideas for social development. The study and republishing of the terminological achievements of the past testify to the unity of axiological, scientific and technical, worldview, political, and spiritual meanings, which are inextricably linked. Key words: terminology, term, dictionary, encyclopedia, terminography, special vocabulary

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