
Due to the impact of the pandemic, a development of existential crises is observed in the human being that makes him rethink his way of being and being in the world, all these changes, worldwide, have opened a contact with death and finitude of existence. Faced with this, fear of death, doubts about the meaning of life, the perception of restricted freedom are identified and places the human being in contact with his loneliness [1]. It mobilizes the foundations of everything that was taken for granted, everything that was held under control. However, it is known that sooner or later, the human being will find a way to adapt, to have creative adjustments to the new. Gecele and Francesetti stated that in these times (year 2020) many of the certainties, daily habits, routines and ways of living that were guaranteed are dissolving [2]. Both authors invite us to reflect on the “support”, opening questions such as what kind of support is necessary so as not to be dominated by fear? and comment on the dimension of individual insufficiency and the need of the other, as if in moments of in crisis, the person will need another with whom to bond and support himself, like a child who experiences strong pain and fear, looking for loving arms that can give him containment.

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