
The heterogeneities in the medium play important role not only in earthquake genesis but also strong ground motion simulation due to its bearing on attenuation characteristics. Observational data is one of the prerequisites for such studies which are acquired through deployment of seismological networks in active seismic regions. The Himalaya is considered as one of the most seismically active region in the world. It is also source of many river valley projects, like Tehri dam and others. The Tehri dam with 260.5 meter height is highest dam in India, located in the Lesser Himalaya of the Garhwal Himalaya that lies in seismic zone IV as per the seismic zoning map of India. Besides this, a number of development activity such as road and railway infrastructures are in progress. Thus, there is need to understand the effect of physical state of media on propagation of seismic waves in the Himalayas. The medium/path characteristics of this  region has been measured by determining the seismic wave attenuation of high frequency waves of local earthquakes which is accomplished by estimating the quality factor of coda waves (Qc). In the present study, Qc, has been determined using local earthquakes recorded during last fourteen years from 2008 to 2021. The local earthquakes used in the study have been obtained through deployment of 12 to 18 stations local seismological network around Tehri dam reservoir. The results showed in the study that there is no significant change in Qc is observed in the region during this period after dam impoundment. These results found in agreement with the findings that no reservoir trigger seismicity is observed in the region associated with Tehri dam reservoir during last sixteen years.

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