
STAT5 transduces transcriptional responses to GH in liver and other tissues and is proposed to mediate the sexually dimorphic effects of plasma GH secretory profiles on rodent liver gene expression. Previous studies have suggested that STAT5 undergoes repeated activation in direct response to successive GH pulses in adult male rats, with STAT5 activation being desensitized in females by their more persistent pattern of GH exposure. These findings, however, were based on in vitro studies or single blood samples analyzed for GH in vivo. In view of the highly pulsatile nature of rat GH secretion, we presently examined these hypotheses by concurrent monitoring of spontaneous GH secretory profiles and hepatic STAT5 activity in conscious, free-moving adult male and female rats. Rats were killed at times associated with spontaneous peaks or troughs of the GH rhythm; livers were removed and analyzed for STAT5 DNA-binding activity. In males, liver STAT5 activity was highest during the initial phase (15-60 min) of a GH secretory episode (mean +/- SE relative STAT5 activity = 86.5 +/- 11.4; plasma GH = 146.7 +/- 22.4 ng/ml) and was significantly lower (P < 0.01) during the downswing of a pulse, 45-75 min after the GH peak (STAT5 = 26.1 +/- 1.7; GH = 33.3 +/- 13.1 ng/ml), consistent with a time-dependent down-regulation of GH signaling to STAT5. The lowest STAT5 activity was observed during the subsequent GH trough period (STAT5 = 3.6 +/- 1.1; GH = 2.6 +/- 0.1 ng/ml). In females, liver STAT5 activity was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than peak male levels during the initial phase of a GH secretory burst (STAT5 = 35.1 +/- 15.9; GH = 68.1 +/- 31.6 ng/ml) although similar to that of males during a plasma GH nadir (STAT5 = 11.0 +/- 2.6; GH = 8.4 +/- 2.2 ng/ml). We conclude that: 1) liver STAT5 is repeatedly activated by successive, spontaneous GH secretory episodes in intact adult male rats at approximately 3- to 3.5-h intervals; 2) time-dependent down-regulation of GH signaling to hepatic STAT5 in vivo begins by 45 min after GH peak stimulation; and 3) the lower level of liver STAT5 activation seen in adult female rats, compared with males, is a consequence of the sex-dependent differences in GH secretory patterns that characterize these animals (i.e. lower-amplitude GH pulses and lack of prolonged interpulse nadir of GH in the feminine, compared with masculine profile).

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