
Narrow-band time-frequency entangled biphotons are generated from spontaneous four-wave mixing in cold atom clouds. The coherence time of the entangled biphotons can be extended to sub-microseconds by the slow light effect. The temporal wavefunction of the biphotons can be manipulated through modulating the spectral or spatial mode of the controlling laser beams. Concerning a pair of entangled biphoton and the resulting heralded single photon, it was commonly believed that, time-frequency entanglement damages the temporal purity of the single photon. However, the case is totally different for biphotons with long coherence time which is far beyond the time resolution of single-photondetectors. We demonstrate that, the single photon heralded from these time-frequency entangled biphotons is in a pure temporal state. Therefore, single photons are able to be shaped through the time-frequency entanglement with their partner photons, while the single photons could be found to be still in a pure state and thus useful for quantum information processing and communication technology.

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