
Semantic interoperability problems have found their solutions due to the use of languages and tec hniques from the Semantic Web. The proliferations of ontologies and meta-information have improved the understanding of information and the relevance of search engine resp onses. However, the construction of semantic graphs is a s ource of numerous errors of interpretation or modeling, and scalability remains a major problem. The processing of large semantic graphs is a limit to the use of sema ntics in current information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border of tw o areas: the semantic web and the model checking. This line of research concerns the adaptation of model checking techniques to semantic graphs. We present a first method of converting RDF (Resource Description Framework) graphs into NµSMV and PROMELA (Process Meta Language) languages in order to be checked with the temporal logic property and queried by the temporal logic query. SPARQL (Simple Protocol and RDF query Language) query language is the standard for querying the Semantic Web, but it has a lot of limitations. Our primary g oal with the temporal logic query is to overcome this limita tion of the SPARQL query language. To reach this goal, three tools have been developed. The first two tools RDF2SPIN and RDF2NµSMV are used to transform the Semantic graph into a model written in PROMELA and respectively in NµSMV languages - in order to be understood by the SPIN and respectively the NµSMV model checkers. The STL Resolver tool is used to find solutions to the temp oral logic query. It is based on the model checking algorithms .

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