
Space provides a vast medium to study turbulence and is accessible to detailed in situ measurements. Alfven waves (AW) are ubiquitous in space and a main component of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in heliosphere. The wave interaction with the density fluctuations is considered to be an important driver of nonlinear processes in space plasmas. Present study involves the nonlinear coupling, on the account of the ponderomotive nonlinearity, of the parallel propagating circularly polarized dispersive Alfven wave (DAW) with the density fluctuations associated with magnetosonic wave propagating in the direction perpendicular to ambient magnetic field. The localization of DAW electric field intensity and the corresponding power spectra has been studied for the case of solar wind at 1 A.U. A breakpoint in power spectrum is seen around ion inertial length and spectra goes steeper at smaller scales which is consistent with the observations reported by CLUSTER in context of solar wind turbulence. Thus nonlinear interaction of DAW with transverse fluctuations causes the transfer of wave energy from larger scales to the smaller scales and may contribute in providing the energy needed to accelerate the solar wind.

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