
AbstractFisheries are the most common ecosystem service that fish provide to human populations, yet recreational fisheries are often overlooked when evaluating such services. Here, the socioeconomic profiles of fishers, the composition of their catches and catch per unit effort (CPUE) are described, to estimate the economic value of the recreational fishery on a stretch of the Cuiabá River in the Brazilian Pantanal. Questionnaires were used to obtain socioeconomic information and fishing yield from fishers for 2013 and 2014. Additionally, a census on the number of fishers and fishing platforms along the sampled region was conducted in 2018. This recreational fishery mostly involves middle class adult males, based mostly in the Cuiabá city metropolitan region. They invested, on average, US$41.1 (SD = US$16.5, median = $35.2) per fishing visit, catching around 19 fish species. Overall, mean CPUE from the recreational fishery was 42.20 fish/fisher.day (17.4 kg/fisher/day). Annual economic value of this recreational fishery was estimated at around US$1.8 million, which highlights the importance of this activity to the local economy. Greater environmental conservation efforts are recommend to ensure the long‐term viability of this ecosystem service.

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