
Low-impact development (LID) structures are combined with traditional measures to manage stormwater and cope with increased runoff rates originating from heavy urbanization and climate change. As the use of LIDs for climate adaptation increases, practitioners need more knowledge on LID performance in future climates for successful planning and implementation. In this study, temporal downscaling of regional climate projections for three cities in Norway is performed, using the concept of scale invariance to downscale the distribution of extreme precipitation from daily to sub-daily timescales. From this, local-scale intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves for future precipitation were obtained. Using climate projections of daily temporal resolution as input to water balance models and the obtained IDF relationships as input to event-based models allowed for assessing the retention capacity, peak flow reduction potential and pollution control of three different types of LIDs: green roofs, bioretention cells, and detention basins. The downscaling resulted in large local variations in presumed increase of both precipitation amount and intensity, contradicting current design recommendations in Norway. Countrywide, a decrease in the overall LID performance was found, although some positive effects of temperature rises were detected. The study illustrated the importance of evapotranspiration- and infiltration-based processes in future stormwater management and how coupling of LID structures in series can significantly reduce required detention volumes.


  • Modern stormwater management is aimed at reducing the disadvantages caused by urbanization by maintaining or restoring the predevelopment site hydrology [1]

  • It is expected that the impacts of increased runoff rates will be further induced as a consequence of more frequent and intense precipitation events caused by climate change [2,3]

  • The management was first solely aimed at reducing flooding by peak flow control but has shifted over the past few decades to an approach with multiple objectives related to mitigating the changes in urban hydrology, improving the water quality of receiving waters and delivery of multiple benefits [5]

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Modern stormwater management is aimed at reducing the disadvantages caused by urbanization by maintaining or restoring the predevelopment site hydrology [1]. Despite the increased knowledge on the disadvantages of applying solely peak flow control regulation on stormwater management, many cities, among those, large Norwegian cities, are focusing the design on large design events, while volume control and pollution control are requested but not quantified in the regulations [17,18,19] This has resulted in comprehensive establishment of detention basins, while the introduction of other stormwater measures focusing on volume and pollution control has been limited [4,7]. The stormwater measures assessed are: (1) green roof, (2) bioretention cell, (3) detention basin Both water balance models and event-based models are used such that all hydrological processes, rapid and slow, under climate change are explored. MMaappsshhoowwiinngg tthheessttuuddiieeddcciittiieessBBeerrggeenn,, OOsslloo,,aannddTTrroonnddhheeiimm,, aanndd tthheeiirr llooccaattiioonn iinn NNoorrtthheerrnn EEuurrooppee [[3355]]

Metrorological Input Data
Temporal Downscaling
Daily Time-Step Models
Design Event Models
Projected Future Climate
LID Performance
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