
Pitch is a perceptual attribute enabling perception of melody. There is no consensus regarding the fundamental nature of pitch and its underlying neural code. A stimulus which has received much interest in psychophysical and computational studies is noise with a sharp spectral edge. High-pass (HP) or low-pass (LP) noise gives rise to a pitch near the edge frequency (monaural edge pitch; MEP). The simplicity of this stimulus, combined with its spectral and autocorrelation properties, make it an interesting stimulus to examine spectral versus temporal cues that could underly its pitch. We recorded responses of single auditory nerve (AN) fibers in chinchilla to MEP-stimuli varying in edge frequency. Temporal cues were examined with shuffled autocorrelogram (SAC) analysis. Correspondence between the population’s dominant interspike interval and reported pitch estimates was poor. A fuller analysis of the population interspike interval distribution, which incorporates not only the dominant but all intervals, results in good matches with behavioral results, but not for the entire range of edge frequencies that generates pitch. Finally, we also examined temporal structure over a slower time scale, intermediate between average firing rate and interspike intervals, by studying the SAC envelope. We found that, in response to a given MEP stimulus, this feature also systematically varies with edge frequency, across fibers with different characteristic frequency (CF). Because neural mechanisms to extract envelope cues are well established, and because this cue is not limited by coding of stimulus fine-structure, this newly identified slower temporal cue is a more plausible basis for pitch than cues based on fine-structure.

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