
ABSTRACT Recently, an electron-based ultrashort hard-x-ray source has been developed at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.In this source x-ray pulses are produced by combining femtosecond laser technology with a specially designedx-ray diode. At “rst, ultrashort electron pulses are generated by photoemission from a photocathode. Then,these electron pulses are accelerated over a short distance towards a high-Z anode. Hard-x-rays are producedvia Bremsstrahlung and characteristic line emission.Now detailed measurements of the hard-x-ray pulse duration have been performed using an advanced streakcamera. The streak camera has a sub-picosecond time resolution in the keV range. With this camera hard-x-raypulse durations of less than 10 ps were observed for electron pulse charges of the order of several pC.In this contribution we present our results on the x-ray pulse duration measurements and their dependence ondierent experimental parameters. A comparison with theoretical simulations is given.Keywords: Ultrashort hard x-rays, femtosecond laser, picosecond phenomena, x-ray diode, streak camera

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