
Evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in the study of regional long-term water cycles. The water cycle in Mongolia has been seriously affected by global warming and the intensification of human activities. A significant relationship exists between climate factors and ET. In this paper, the temporal and spatial fluctuations and stability of ET in Mongolia from 2001 to 2020 were studied by using MOD16A2 ET, MOD13A2 NDVI and the climate data of ERA5-Land. ET trends were analysed by using the Breaks for Additive Season and Trend (BFAST) software package, Theil–Sen median trend analysis, Mann–Kendall method and Hurst index. The correlations between ET and temperature (Tem), precipitation (Pre), net solar radiation (Nsr), soil moisture (Swl) and human activities were determined by partial correlation analysis and a geographic detector. In the past 20 years, ET increased significantly in 49.4% of Mongolia, and NDVI also showed a significant increasing trend. BFAST detected two mutation years. ET decreased rapidly from 2006 to 2007 and increased rapidly from 2015 to 2016. In addition to winter, the meteorological factor that had a significant positive impact on ET in the east and west was Pre, whereas the impact of Tem was more obvious in central Mongolia. In winter, Tem had a great impact on ET. In the vegetation growing season, the joint action of NDVI and Pre greatly positively contributed to ET. The geographical detector showed that the influence of annual human factors on ET was weakened by changes in NDVI and Pre. In the growing season, Tem and Nsr increased nonlinearly to ET, and other natural and human factors showed bivariate enhancement. These results will help to understand the responses of ET changes to natural factors and human activities in Mongolia and provide data support for future research on ET and the water cycle.

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