
Using the wedged bronchoscope technique, we measured the changes in collateral resistance (Rcoll) in dogs resulting from exposure to aerosols of increasing concentrations of histamine. Histamine dose-response curves were performed in each of two to three separate lobar segments of an individual mongrel dog's lungs. Five dogs were studied. The same segments were reexamined on later occasions (2-11 wk apart) to determine whether the responsiveness to histamine had altered with time. Measurements of base-line Rcoll for a given segment were reproducible (coefficient of variation 0.48). In contrast, we observed that the estimated dose of histamine required to increase Rcoll by 50% (ED150Rcoll) was extremely variable both among lung segments of an individual dog on a single experimental day (geometric mean variability of 40-fold) and for a given segment when reexamined on repeated occasions (geometric mean variability of 47-fold). The ED150Rcoll did not correlate with the base-line Rcoll. The degree of variability we observed suggests that peripheral contractile elements are under the influence of powerful local modulating factors that vary both regionally and temporally.

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