
Impaired temporal resolution of the central auditory system has long been suggested to contribute to speech understanding deficits in the elderly. However, it has been difficult to differentiate between direct age-related central deficits and indirect effects of confounding peripheral age-related hearing loss on temporal resolution. To differentiate this, we measured temporal acuity in the inferior colliculus (IC) of aged CBA/J and C57BL/6 mice, as a model of aging with and without concomitant hearing loss. We used two common measures of auditory temporal processing: gap detection as a measure of temporal fine structure and amplitude-modulated noise as a measure of envelope sensitivity. Importantly, auditory temporal acuity remained precise in the IC of old CBA/J mice when no or only minimal age-related hearing loss was present. In contrast, temporal acuity was only indirectly reduced by the presence of age-related hearing loss in aged C57BL/6 mice, not by affecting the brainstem precision, but by affecting the signal-to-noise ratio of the neuronal activity in the IC. This demonstrates that indirect effects of age-related peripheral hearing loss likely remain an important factor for temporal processing in aging in comparison to 'pure' central auditory decline itself. It also draws attention to the issue that the threshold difference between ‘nearly normal’ or ‘clinically normal’ hearing aging subjects in comparison to normal hearing young subjects still can have indirect effects on central auditory neural representations of temporal processing.

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