
Our aim in this paper is to trace some of the surprising and beautiful connections which are beginning to emerge between a number of apparently disparate topics: Knot Theory, Categorical Quantum Mechanics, and Logic and Computation. We shall focus in particular on the following two topics: - The Temperley-Lieb algebra has always hitherto been presented as a quotient of some sort: either algebraically by generators and relations as in Jones' original or as a diagram algebra modulo isotopy as in Kauffman's presentation. We shall use tools from Geometry of Interaction, a dynamical interpretation of proofs under Cut Elimination developed as an off-shoot of Linear Logic, to give a direct description of the Temperley-Lieb category -- a fully abstract presentation, in Computer Science terminology. This also brings something new to the Geometry of Interaction, since we are led to develop a version of it, and to verify that the interpretation of Cut-Elimination (the Execution Formula, or composition by feedback) preserves planarity. - We shall also show how the Temperley-Lieb algebra provides a natural setting in which computation can be performed diagrammatically as geometric simplification -- yanking lines straight. We shall introduce a planar lambda-calculus for this purpose, and show how it can be interpreted in the Temperley-Lieb category.

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