
We characterize the tempered part of the automorphic Langlands category mathfrak {D}({text {Bun}}_G) using the geometry of the big cell in the affine Grassmannian. We deduce that, for G non-abelian, tempered D-modules have no de Rham cohomology with compact support. The latter fact boils down to a concrete statement, which we prove using the Ran space and some explicit t-structure estimates: for G non-abelian and Sigma a smooth affine curve, the Borel–Moore homology of the indscheme {text {Maps}}(Sigma ,G) vanishes.


  • The present paper is devoted to the study of the tempered condition appearing on the automorphic side of the geometric Langlands conjecture

  • The theory of loop group actions on differential graded (DG) categories is very convenient when dealing with such situations, and in particular when dealing with the Hecke action

  • For a map φ : Y → Z, we denote by Z∧Y its formal completion, which is by definition the fiber product Z ×ZdR YdR

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The present paper is devoted to the study of the tempered condition appearing on the automorphic side of the geometric Langlands conjecture. The candidate is QCoh(LSG ), the DG category of quasi-coherent sheaves on the stack LSG := LSG (X ) of de Rham G -local systems on X This is the so-called spectral side of the conjecture. While this is known to be true for G abelian (see [1, Remark 11.2.7], as well as [33,34,39,40]), it is false for more general groups: two reasons for this failure are explained in [1, Section 1.1.2] and [23, Section 0.2.1]. Both reasons point at the fact that the spectral side of (1.1) is too small to match the automorphic side. This is a DG category that sits between QCoh(LSG ) and IndCoh(LSG )

The corrected version of the geometric Langlands conjecture states that
The first two main results
Tempered objects
Borel–Moore homology vanishing
The structure of the paper
The main techniques and ideas
Singular support
Ind-coherent sheaves and formal geometry
Group actions on DG categories
Serre functors
Serre functor calculations
Indschemes and t-structures
Ran space and the big cell
Representation theory and algebraic geometry
DG categories
Ind-coherent sheaves and singular support
Strong group actions on DG categories
The tempered unit of the spherical category
Geometric Langlands for P1
Step 2: the tempered unit
Step 3: properness
Step 4: the Serre functor on the spectral side
Step 6: the conclusion
The Serre functor on the automorphic side
The Serre functor of the spectral spherical category
The nilpotent cone
The main Serre computation
Renormalized functors
The Hecke action of the tempered unit
Deducing Theorem A
Proof of Theorem E
Denote by
Moving points
Ran spaces with marked points
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