
Viral proteins synthesized in L cells infected with temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of vesicular stomatitis (VS) virus at permissive (31 C) and nonpermissive (39 C) temperatures were compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Mutant ts 5, deficient in synthesis of viral ribonucleic acid (RNA(-)), failed to synthesize any of the five identifiable viral proteins at 39 C. Each of three RNA(+) mutants, representing three separate complementation groups, showed distinctive patterns of viral protein synthesis at nonpermissive temperature. Equivalent amounts of (3)H-amino acids were incorporated into the five viral proteins made in cells infected with RNA(+) mutant ts 45 at 31 and 39 C. Complete virions of ts 45 could be identified by electron microscopy of infected cells incubated at the nonpermissive temperature; the defect in ts 45 appeared to be due in part to greater thermolability of virions as compared with the wild-type. RNA(+) mutant ts 23 was deficient in synthesis of viral envelope protein S and failed to make detectable virions at the nonpermissive temperature. Infection of cells at 39 C with the third RNA(+) mutant, ts 52, resulted in synthesis of all five viral proteins, but the peak of radioactivity representing the viral membrane glycoprotein migrated more rapidly on gels than coelectrophoresed authentic virion (14)C-glycoprotein or viral (3)H-glycoprotein extracted from cells infected at 31 C. These data and results of experiments on incorporation of radioactive glucosamine suggest that the primary defect in mutant ts 52 at nonpermissive temperature is failure of glycosylation of the viral glycoprotein. The viral structural proteins made in cells infected with ts 52 at the nonpermissive temperature did not assemble into sedimentable components as they did at permissive temperature; this observation indicates failure of insertion of the nonglycosylated protein (G') into cell membrane. In support of this hypothesis was the finding that antiviral-antiferritin hybrid antibody did not detect VS viral antigen on the plasma membrane of L cells infected at 39 C with ts 52. In contrast, VS viral antigen localized in plasma membrane of L cells infected at 39 C with mutants ts 23 and ts 45 was readily detected by electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy.

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