
The effect of the temperature of ingested water on the rise in core temperature (Tco) during exercise is not clear. Seven trained subjects were recruited to complete 2 hr of recumbent cycling at 51% VO2peak in a temperate environment (Ta = 26 degrees C, relative humidity = 40%) on four occasions, while ingesting either no fluid (trial NF26), cold water (0.5 degree C; trial CD26), cool water (19 degrees C; trial CL26), or warm water (38 degrees C; trial WA26) during the second hour of exercise. A fifth trial was conducted during which convective and radiative heat loss were reduced by raising Ta to 31 degrees C. During this trial, subjects ingested cold water (0.5 degree C; trial CD31). When compared to WA26, over the second hour of exercise, CD26 attenuated the time-averaged changes in (Tco) and forearm blood flow and decreased whole-body sweat rate and forearm sweat rate (p < .05). Similarly, relative to WA26, the CL26 trial attenuated the time-averaged changes in Tco and reduced whole-body sweat rate (p < .05) during the second hour of exercise, but CL26 had no significant effect on forearm sweat rate or blood flow. Finally, regardless of beverage temperature, water ingestion (vs. NF26) reduced the time-averaged changes in Tco and in heat storage during the second hour of exercise (p < .05).

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