
The temperature evolution of in-gap states created by the spin polaron effect and located within the gap with charge transfer between the valence and conduction bands is studied for the case of strong electron correlations using the t-t′-t″-J model of antiferromagnetic undoped cuprates. The effect of temperature is taken into account by temperature renormalization of the magnon concentration, which is calculated using the Heisenberg model with inclusion of weak interlayer exchange and weak in-plane spin anisotropy, and by introducing a Lorentzian with a temperature-dependent half-width in the form corresponding to the marginal Fermi liquid model. With increasing temperature, the spectral weight of the in-gap state, which is proportional to the magnon concentration, grows leading to an increased intensity of the corresponding peak of the spectral function in all points of the Brillouin zone. At points (π/2, π/2) and (π, 0), the main peak is approached by the satellite peak related to the in-gap band and, at points (0, 0) and (π, π), the peaks move away from each other.

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